With Chloe determined to have a long walk, we decided to return to Castlefreke/Long Strand and try an extension, a steep trail up the hill by the lake. This walk never stops pleasing. The weather always changes, and no walk, no matter how many times taken, is the same. At the lake, we turned up a steep path, parallel to the sea. The ocean roared in the distance, the sound of crashing waves crossing the hills.
Fog nestled around the hills and ocean. Very little was visible in the distance when we reached Long Strand, only a few shadow figures of people walking nearby, no vistas or distant ocean horizon. Dew drops formed in Chloe’s hair.
This place is indescribable. Under fog, its mysteries and ancient history feel present. The stone fences around Rothbarry evoke roads and people from the 15th C. But it is the very land that passes along the whispering voices of the dead.
We stopped quickly in Clonakilty and picked up some food. Clonakilty is a cute town with colorful ,small houses and little shops everywhere. It buzzed with activity.
May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face…